Sunday 9 December 2012

Compulsory Basic Training

Anyone who wants to ride a moped or other type of motorized bike on public roads needs to take and pass their Compulsory Basic Training (CBT) test, and get their DL196 certificate showing that they have passed. While this is not a difficult test to pass, it does provide you with valuable information and real world training which will help you stay safe on the road.

Why is the CBT required
The CBT was mandated to help ensure those riding these small mopeds are doing so in a safe way. This is not only for the safety of you, but also that of those around you. Many cars riding on the roads will be unable to properly see you so it is important to learn how to ensure you are riding in a way which keeps you visable and safe from potential accidents.

What is Involved with the CBT
The CBT test is broken up into five different elements. After each part is completed a certified instructor will evaluate whether or not you’ve gained the required knowledge or experience to move on. When you’ve been through all five elements and passed each one with the instructor you will get your provisional moped entitlement for your license.

The five steps involved in the course are:
• Introduction
• Practical on-site training
• Practical on-site riding
• Practical on-road training
• Practical on-road riding

Each of these elements will be completed with an instructor who will evaluate your performance. The riding portions of the course will be graded not only one how well you can ride your moped, but also your ability to follow the traffic laws and respond to different situations.

Remember that while this test is required, and it can literally save your life, it is not something you should be nervous about. The vast majority of people who take this course find it is very enjoyable as well as informational. Nearly everyone who takes the course, from the newest rider to an experienced moped owner reports that they learned something valuable. So when you’re ready, set up an appointment and get ready to get your moped entitlement on your drivers license!

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